Three certified, out-and-out rock'n'roll singers complete with rockabilly forelocks happened to meet in a tea room in a typical heavy metal rehearsal bunker in Berlin. They recognise each other based on their common hairstyle, start jamming and form a band whose debut album lands in shops across the country a little later. Sounds far-fetched? But it's true.
By mistake, Sam wanted to audition for a cover band and made his way from southern Germany to Berlin. Digger lived in Cologne, but was visiting his big sister and helping out in his brother-in-law's band. And Basti lived in Berlin anyway. It must have been Fate. Digger admits, " 'tea room' isn't really correct, it was more of a dirty den for empty bottles. But 'Blue Suede Shoes' worked right away - with three voices in perfect vocal harmony." This was a new evolution of the musical heritage of Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly & Co.: "Voc'n'Roll" was born and The Baseballs at the same time.
The personal things they have in common also suggest fateful intervention. The first record all three bought as kids featured The
King on the cover. Each of them can imitate any role from any episode of The Simpsons and of course they all have a comb in their back pocket. But the main thing is that they are all passionately attracted to the lifestyle of the Golden Fifties, going all the way back to their childhood. The reason is simple: "If you wanted to rebel against your parents you just had to grow a forelock and put on a leather jacket, " says Basti nostalgically. "Nowadays you can hardly shock your parents anymore - unless you decide to become an investment banker."
Which never came into consideration - the style has been the same since they were kids. The sideburns sprouted, as soon as the hair grew out accordingly and if the forelock has to be combed up or down depending on the occasion - in their hearts it's always perfect. For The Baseballs "Voc'n'Roll" doesn't just mean look and lifestyle, it another word for having a good time. And this applies to all ages, says Sam, "You can't ignore the orthopedic aspect of swinging your hips: constantly swinging them reduces the need for artificial ones."
Apart from such meaningful considerations, Sam, Digger and Basti are permanently on the look-out for contemporary songs that can be "rolled". Or to quote the band, "We take good songs and lead them to their true calling."